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Costumes and some Lighting

Look at my past and join my future.

Life is about constant change and how you

react to it; it's about finding balance.

I have learned that interests change with time and the people you meet; ever growing and waning.


I started out in Lighting but have since transitioned to Costumes.

I realized that I just love color, its' absence, and its' impact; tangible or not.

More so, I love the interactions of people in shops and theatres. How can the next person impact my story and where will it go next?

Come see what I have done and wonder:

where will I go next?


I graduated with a  BFA of Fine Arts in April 2018, from Western Michigan University. My degree is in Theatre Design and Technical Production with a focus in lighting design and a sub-focus in costumes.

My career focus is finding my niche; whether that be a better stitcher, working with dying fabric, costume crafts, wardrobe crews, etc.  I don't tend to design costumes, enjoy making them and caring for them.

I am currently looking to get more experience with wardrobe management, cobblery, and millinery. I look at every job as a learning opportunity to compound upon any skill I currently have to make it better.


I call Southwest Michigan home. I love to travel and meet new people; I am not opposed to transplanting my roots in order to learn and grow. I am always eager to learn new things.


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