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Light Lab: Light on Black Costumes

          During this Light Lab, I used Williams Theatre. This study is of Black Costumes in Low Light. I was to pick 3-4 costumes from stock and light them to answer the following questions with documentation and photograph the results. The questions to be answered are as followed:

  1. Which 3 colors cause the Black costumes to shift the most?

  2. Using the 3 colors that cause the shift:

    1. Which Gel, in the color range, causes the most shifting of the black?

    2. Which Gel in the color range causes the least shifting of the black?

    3. Can a combo of the gels even out the different blacks?

    4. At what level of light does the shift start to occur and is it for each color of gel?

While attending USITT 2016, I presented on this project in the Costume Commission’s Student Leadership Initiative. The power point was labeled 50 shades of Blacks: Rectifying Color Shift In Black Costumes. I was a first in being a non-costumer presenting a project and was received well and was given many ideas to expand this project.

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